Category: chords

  • I IV V Progression – A Musical Cliché Explained

    In tonal music the I IV V chord progression is a sequence of chords based on the 1st, 4th, and 5th scales degrees. For example, in the key of C major the progression would be (I) C-major, (IV) F-major, and (V) G-major.

  • 9 Bach Chord Progressions To Use In Your Music

    J.S. Bach is one of the greatest composers of all time, so it stands to reason that you are on solid ground using his music for inspiration. Specifically, in this article, I want to show you how his chord progressions can help you write new and interesting music. Many musicians get writers block, and it…

  • How to use a diminished chord

    How to use a diminished chord

    You know your major and minor chords and have heard of this diminished chord but are unsure how to use it in your music. I break down what a diminished triad is and provide a few examples on how it can function in music. Typically, a diminished chord is used to create tension and a…